Color Silver Shampoo


Color Silver Shampoo

Regular price $26.00
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Formulated with Goji Water and Organic Red Grape Oil (eco-certified), known for their antioxidant and regenerating properties. Specific for bleached, streaked, lightened and highlighted hair, it effectively neutralizes undesired yellow-orange tones. Nourishes, hydrates and strengthens the fiber of the hair, restoring shine, elasticity and smoothness. Also useful for restoring gloss and brightness to grey/white hair.

  • Prevents ageing of porous, mature and fine hair
  • Counteracts the oxidative process
  • Intensifies color contrasts and shine
  • Improves elasticity and hydration

How to Use:

  • Apply to wet hair, lather and massage for 1-3 minutes.
  • Rinse. Repeat if necessary.

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Customer Reviews

Based on 1 review
Awesome product, highly recommend it

Really love this shampoo! I have a lot of highlights and blonds in my hair and this shampoo keeps it nice and fresh for a long time. It's especially great for me because I don't have the opportunity to go to my hair salon on a regular basis and now with this shampoo I'm not in as big of a rush to get it touched up. It was recommended by my hair dresser and she always recommends the best stuff. Definitely get yourself a bottle!

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